Digg, Digg Statistical Data, Social Media

Top 1,000 Diggers: 2007/04/11

Due to the number of requests I’ve been getting for data on the top Diggers, I’ve decided to start providing regular (probably weekly) exports of the statistical Digg data that I’ve compiled. The CSV files will contain the username, number of frontpage stories, number of submitted stories, number of stories dugg, and number of profile views for the top 1,000 users on Digg.

CSV: Top 1,000 Diggers as of 2007/04/11

If you’d like to be notified whenever I release a new dataset, you can subscribe to the RSS feed for the Digg Statisical Data tag, which will be applied to all dataset posts.


10 comments on “Top 1,000 Diggers: 2007/04/11

  1. Jing says:

    I am just wondering how you get the top user information, since I cannot find the user rank information from the profile page of the users.
    Do you use your own rule to decide the user rank?


  2. interg12 says:

    why not also include the rank next to the name? or at least provide the data in a somewhat more visually appealing manner?

  3. Because the data was mostly requested for research purposes, I’m making it available in the simplest file format that can be used in many different situations. Formatting it in any way could be inconveniencing to the people who want the data.

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