
ScribeFire update: 1.4.5

I’ve released an update to ScribeFire that adds a few oft-requested features: image positioning, font selection, support for WordPress’s “<–more–>” post splitter, and a confirmation dialog before deleting a note.

You can download the latest version from Mozilla Addons, or you can read the full release details at the ScribeFire blog.


3 comments on “ScribeFire update: 1.4.5

  1. Hi. Your app ( thinks we have similar interests, and so far, the app seems pretty right on.

    However, I think I am unable to articulate exactly how much cooler you are than I am. This may be a bug in the app.

    Keep up the good work! I’m very much impressed with what I’ve seen.

    — Glenn

  2. Hiya,

    This is probably not the cool approach to trouble shooting…but I’ll give it a try! I’m a newbie blogger and wanted to try Scribe fire. I’ve now twice downloaded it, seems to be correctly installed, but how the heck do I activate it? When I click Tools/Add-ons i get a list of the few add ons I’ve installed, however I’m not able to click on them? Please forgive me for stealing your private time with such a likely dum question!

    Thanks for making it available…

  3. Torsten Mühlhaus says:

    Hallo Christopher,

    nice tool, but it doesn’t work with a german keyboard. I do have to type the ä ü ö Ü Ä Ö ß in this html-code. Why?

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