Browser Add-ons, Google Chrome, TwitterBar

TwitterBar for Google Chrome

Update: TwitterBar for Firefox was sold to HootSuite and renamed HootBar in March of 2011. TwitterBar for Chrome was discontinued in October of 2012.

If you’re using Google Chrome, and you’re running the developer version that allows extensions to be installed, you can now install TwitterBar for Google Chrome.

After you’ve installed it, just click on the Twitter icon in the toolbar bar, type your message, and press Enter to post your message to Twitter. (You’ll have to authorize TwitterBar the first time you tweet, but it only takes a second.)

If your message gets too long (Twitter only allows 140 characters), the happy blue Twitter bird will turn into an angry red Twitter cardinal.

Let me know what you think; I tried to keep as much of the functionality from the Firefox version as possible.


7 comments on “TwitterBar for Google Chrome

  1. Hi. Great work. The only problem I face is with clearing private data. As I clear browsing data – I have to reauthorize TwitterBar & reset the format string. Any solution??

  2. nXqd says:

    I really want something like TwitterBar in Firefox . If I must click a button then it shows up, ChromeBird is better :)
    Love your twitterBar in Firefox .

  3. @Arpitnext naturally it has to store authentication data in cookies and when you clear private data it will certainly clear everything, hence you have to reauthorise twitter username and password.


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