There are a number of extension updates available today simply due to new translations:
- French (fr-FR)
- Dutch (nl-NL)
- Spanish (es-ES)
- Japanese (ja-JP)
- Portuguese (pt-PT)
- German (de-DE)
- French (fr-FR)
- Dutch (nl-NL)
- Italian (it-IT)
- Japanese (ja-JP)
- Russian (ru-RU)
- French (fr-FR)
The updates can be downloaded from each add-on’s respective homepage or via your browser’s auto-update feature for extensions. Thank you to the translators at BabelZilla for all their hard work.
Hi! Thank you for rss ticker add on. Just a comment about that great addon:
It seems that the hide stuff features, doesn’t work perfectly, for example when I mark all (every feed) as read, the toolbar dissapears, that’s ok, but after a time interval (some minutes), all the feeds appears again in the toolbar.
Thanks again for your good work.
I have the same problem. Feeds that I read, or mark as read, re-appear after a few minutes. I have checked and firefox’s privacy settings is set to remember history.