AutoAuth, Browser Add-ons, Mozilla, Mozilla Add-ons, Mozilla Fennec, Mozilla Firefox, Slashdotter, TwitterBar, YouTube Comment Snob

Four More Fennec Add-ons

Update: TwitterBar was sold to HootSuite and renamed HootBar in March of 2011. TwitterBar for Chrome was discontinued in October of 2012.

I got some great feedback after I updated URL Fixer to be compatible with Fennec, Mozilla’s mobile browser, and I’m happy to announce that I’ve been able to add Fennec compatibility to four more add-ons:

So far, I’ve found it pretty easy to port add-ons to Fennec, with the following caveats:

  • You can’t install add-ons in Fennec by opening them from your computer; I wrote a script to copy the add-on directly into the Fennec profile, much like an add-on IV drip – straight into the bloodstream!
  • There’s no easy access to the error console , but you can open it manually if you grab the address from Firefox.
  • No DOM Inspector. For now, just browse the source.

It seems that all of these issues could be solved with a “Fennec Add-on Development” extension; maybe that will be my next project, unless easier solutions already exist.


6 comments on “Four More Fennec Add-ons

  1. Fabrice Desré says:

    You can launch fennec with the error console like any xulrunner application :

    ./fennec -jsconsole

    It works well on my N810

  2. I was in the Sahara last week and I saw lots of fennec fox tracks. I’m just sayin’

    Oh, and I also saw some billboard advertising for 3G hardware in areas are most probably unserved with 3G.

  3. a says:

    A killer add-on for every mobile device would be google gears. It would solve all my mail, calendar, office, and synchronisation needs. Any chance of getting gears onto e.g. Maemo?

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