Mozilla, Mozilla Firefox, TubeStop, YouTube

Adopt an Add-on: TubeStop

TubeStop was discontinued on December 25, 2012, and Firefox’s newly-introduced controls for managing auto-playing videos have since made it obsolete.

I’m no longer going to be updating TubeStop, a Firefox extension I wrote that disables autoplay on YouTube videos. I don’t have the time or the inclination to keep up with YouTube’s HTML changes.

TubeStop has been around for about five years, and it has 17,000 users. It was the first browser extension that made it possible to disable YouTube’s autoplay feature (if you don’t count the all-purpose Flashblock), and it gained notoriety in 2007 for inadvertently stripping ads from YouTube videos.

If you’d like to adopt this abandoned add-on, let me know, and I’ll transfer ownership of the extension to you on Mozilla Add-ons. If nobody wants to take over development, I’ll shut it down and the void will be filled by one of the other anti-autoplay extensions on AMO.


4 comments on “Adopt an Add-on: TubeStop

  1. doomed says:

    damn shame I used this for so long now seems firefox has no one making a working autoplay and buffering stopper :(

    Here’s hoping someone does this soon as their is clearly a market for it.

    • Nostromov says:

      ^^ “clearly a market for it” – is a bit of an understatement, as this had been hands down one of the greatest add-ons ever created.

  2. BC says:

    Oh, very bad news! But I understand that you may have other priorities. Anyway, for your work and time, I would like to thank you. It is (was) indede a tiny very simple and very useful extension to our favorite browser.

    If may a suggest, please don’t shut down the extension in , even as an archive file, it is interesting and can useful to other developers. And also, if you could publish your code in GPL-like (maybe CC-like) license, I think it would be very nice too (I wish I knew programing, I would try to maintain it myself).

    Cheers, congratulations and thank for your work,


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