Previously, I posted about about having hives. Not content to stop there, I have filled the hives with bees!
I bought three nucs and moved them into my hives on a dreary Saturday.
(After taking this picture, I added another five empty frames to fill the rest of the space.)
The nucs were positively buzzing. The bees had built some burr comb on the side of the box and had already started filling it with nectar.
The store was out of entrance feeders, so I built three myself, using this Instructable. I used scrap poplar and the same aluminum flashing that I used for the hive lids.
(I’m experimenting with the bucket and some floating hardware cloth for providing water to the hives.)
A week later, during my first hive inspection, the bees had started drawing comb on the new frames I had installed and were bringing lots of yellow and orange pollen back to the hive. Check out those bees’ knees! I think they are the bees’ knees.