I built a set of cornhole boards. If you’ve never heard of cornhole, it’s a game where you throw a bag of corn through a hole. It is widely considered to be the inspiration for every major modern sport.
The frames are just simple rectangles with finger jointed corners. The feet are cut with a 30º angle at the bottom. The light one is maple and the dark one is probably sapele — it was in a batch of walnut I bought, but it didn’t have the same smell that walnut does when I cut it.
I jazzed up the box joints on the sapele frame with some dowels.
I used a template to cut out each state’s shape after putting down painter’s tape in the rough shape of the state.
Then I added butcher paper over the rest of the board and re-sprayed the base color over the tape so that if any paint bled under it, it would match the color of the rest of the board.
I had my kids each use a different paint color and fill each state with handprints; then, I had my youngest put a white handprint over our hometowns.
Cornhole boards are nothing without cornhole bags, so we picked up a matching set on Etsy: