It’s me! Well, at least if you’re signed into Digg, it is. As reported at TheGoogleCache, all you have to do to be added as someone’s friend on Digg is to get them to visit
while they are logged into Digg. Visiting this URL adds you as their friend without requiring any confirmation, and because of this, I’ve just added myself as your newest Digg friend by including an iframe on this page that loads that URL. Thanks, friend!
Netscape has a similar feature, but we require you to actually confirm that you want to add that user as a friend. I predict that Digg will be following suit very soon.
Update: It appears that this bug has been fixed. Way to go, Digg.
Doesn’t do anything for me. Clicked the link a few times, reloaded the page, checked my friends list and you’re not there.